Wining the cyberwar requires both proactive and reactive defense measures
Are We Ready for A Black Swan of Cyber Security?
A successful attack on AES-256 is a black swan, even if it could be so expensive that only a handful of nation states can afford it. What makes a successful attack on AES a black swan are the facts that AES-256 is becoming the foundation of cyber security and we are not prepared for it to be broken at all.
Protecting Data Should Be a Dedicated Job, Not Afterthoughts
Naturally, many of you have doubts when we say that UDS stops data breaches. It is impossible for one application to do when so many layers of defenses created by combinations of different solutions and software have not made a dent on data breaches, or is it? Repeating the Same And Expecting Different Results […]
It takes dedicated data security to stop data breaches
In 2023, a single bug in a little-known software caused one of the largest data breaches in history that impacted over 60 million people around the world. Making the matter worse, even if the companies whose data were stolen by the MOVEit attackers used every cyber security technology available, it would have made no difference […]
The Next Frontier in Cybersecurity
By Joseph F. Norton I recently had the opportunity to speak with the cybersecurity leadership of a very large multi-national organization. My lead-off statement concerning the state of the cybersecurity today was: “Cyberattacks are a hyper-growth industry!” Until we, the cybersecurity practitioners, and the organizations we strive to protect, change the economic returns for bad […]